The country appears to be circling the plug hole - so to take my mind off of party-gate, rising bills and impending war, I found three things that made me really happy in January.
This is it – four days until Crimbo 2021. We’re heading full steam into it & for me, this is the best week of the year. Lights are twinkling on houses, Christmas trees are glowing through steamy windows & that one ‘extra’ house in the neighbourhood has an entire Santa’s workshop set up on the front lawn. I love to see it. But this isn’t a blog on the joys of Christmas, rather a small note to ask you all for a teeny favour. You see, I’ve been thinking a lot about loneliness recently due to a tête-à-tête I’ve had with one of my great friends. The idea of loneliness has always filled me with a hollow feeling and the...
Hi everyone! It’s fast approaching - only 11 days to go and I’m still a disorganised mess. We finally decorated our tree yesterday - it’s a Balsam Fir which means that it smells unbelievable; the aroma of Christmas fills the house & I love it. The only downside is that touching the branches is comparable to putting your hand in a bowl of razor blades – I think Amanda in the movie ‘Saw’ had an easier ordeal (think giant pit of hypodermic needles). But like me, she fought through the pain for her cause – she went on to do unspeakable things to innocent people, I comparatively, have a pretty decent looking tree. There is but only one thing that I...
Hi all, Nice specific blog this week. Patrick & I are currently in the Highlands & thought it might be nice to go for a walk to see Steall Falls – a breathtakingly beautiful waterfall that had been recommended to us by the staff at the hotel in which we’re staying. Great, nice to have a plan for the day. Off we trot. The weather is on the turn, a storm is brewing – Barra. But that sounds like Barry, and no one has ever feared a Barry, have they? He sounds cute, like Barry from Eastenders. He didn’t deserve the end he met, but it’s pretty apt that he fell off a cliff and now I’m walking along one. ...
As a registered nurse, the decision to leave my role was difficult and at times, agonising. As nurses, we often feel a sense of guilt for prioritising our own happiness & wellbeing above the demands of our role and this was never more obvious than when the pandemic hit...